
Showing posts from October, 2021

Are Athletes Also Students? The Educational Attainment Of College Athletes

The requirement that institutions must be accredited in order for their students to receive federal financial aid still exists today. Inside Higher Ed reports on diploma mills and fake degrees from time to time but can’t possibly cover every revelation that some professor or state official has a bogus degree, or that a “university” turns out to be run by a convicted felon from his prison cell. Even a blog dedicated to the topic, Diploma Mill News, links to just a fraction of the stories out there. Keeping up with every case is just too much; nobody has that much Schaudenfreude in them. For example, they are limited in their autonomy with regard to civil servants. Universities are legal entities under public law and perform their duties without instructions. They are entitled to form societies, foundations and associations as well as to participate in societies and to be members of associations. In addition, other assets can be acquired, e.g. in the form of donations, gifts and spons